Eugene Chadbourne is a long-time jazz/improv player. He came from another planet to join Aaron Gonzalez and Stefan Gonzalez, two masters in their own rights.
Seven tracks were selected from live shows performed in April, 2019, in Houston and Denton, Texas. Michael Briggs recorded both, then mixed and mastered the audio tracks (michael@michaelbriggs.io). Aaron Gonzalez created the cover art and disc image. This Limited Edition was manufactured by Packaged Sounds (UK).
A month after JR Delgado's sister was murdered in Houston I called him: "Come on, man. You need a break. Let's go out to a show." At Shoeshine Charley’s Big Top Lounge, Eugene and JR recognized each other from shows Chadbourne played at the Axiom Club years before. I recognized Stefan Gonzalez from a Young Mothers show at Rockefeller's. I didn’t know Aaron Gonzalez from scratch but his bass lines and synchronous improvising with his brother and Eugene was impeccable.
-Bob Weber
Photographs by Ginger Berry. Band photo by Tom Carter. Layout and design by Lysandra Dial of KLC Artist Designs.
Released March 8, 2021