Antiquated Views of the Future is a collaboration between Steve Silverstein (Christmas Decorations) and Dan Workman (Culturcide, The Pope Boy Collective).
Steve and Dan are record producers who share a passion for vintage synths, keyboards, and drum machines. Their shared professional background includes work with artists across countless genres, with relevant examples including sideman gigs with Jandek and Rubber O Cement, and mastering for 75 Dollar Bill. Steve and Dan met in the mid-2000s and realized they had very similar musical passions and very dissimilar musical resumes! A collaboration was discussed and finally took place over several years, recording, mixing, and mastering at Steve's studio in Brooklyn.
Thread Count is the result of that collaboration – a meticulously recorded collection of short tracks inspired by the possibilities and limitation of the instruments that all pointed to a future that never really arrived. The duo’s sound honors the promise of that musical future, by stretching the sources used, whether obvious or obsolete, to their least-logical extremes. The pieces evoke an angular sense of nostalgia that delights and intrigues. Thread Count is an ambitious project that evokes new and delightful detail with each listen.
David A. Deis contributed to the package layout using snippets and samples from the composers. Timothy Monaghan contributed some percussion.