Bob and DJ shabs spin cia tracks on Ktru rice radio’s mutant hardcore flower hour
Bob at KTRU’s dj booth, surrounded in miles of cds..
.. now THIS was fun. Tracks ranged from those newly-released and fine-tuned to perfection, to others over 40 years old and recorded on cassette tapes in someone’s basement. The DJ booth kinda looked like someone’s basement too, a lived-in, loved-on one, with stickers everywhere and so much music that it was hard to imagine how anything specific could be found easily. I pictured myself sitting there for weeks, thumbing through the stacks of beaten up record cover spines, finding nuggets of gold that hadn’t been played in years..
In the hour we spent there, Bob and Shabs must have played 30 or 40 songs at least, that together only begin to give an impression of CIA Records’ breadth of history and diversity. Mutant Hardcore Flower Hour’s focus is punk; but the airwaves got hit with everything from El Mantis’ smoky jazz tune, “Por La Noche”, to the Party Owls’ “Check Your Dick for Spots”. Ah, smell the freedom…
Special thanks to DJ Shabs and KTRU Rice Radio’s Mutant Hardcore Flower Hour for hosting us! What a privilege to be able to share all this amazing music to new audiences on campus and way beyond.
Bob and Shabs’ playlist
Bob Weber and DJ Shabs on the Mutant Hardcore Flower Hour. Music: “Por La Noche” by El Mantis. Video and photos: Heather L. Johnson